Miss Tapout Jennifer Swift Talks Submissions, Positions And More! *Video*

Beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction. When you think of the word beauty you might think of a sunset, a piece of art, or maybe your little girl. Beauty can be young or old; it really is in the eye of the beholder. Well this is my write up, and I say beauty is Swift. That’s right I said Swift, as in Ms. Jennifer Swift a.k.a. Ms. Tapout. That’s right the dark haired, curvy, witty women who has graced the pages of Tapout and continue to leave us male MMA fans drop jawed and plenty of girls hating.

Our Correspondent Marcos Villegas got a chance to catch up with Miss Tapout at the recent UFC Gym opening in Corona, CA. She talks about how she became Ms. Tapout, some of her favorite fighters and the man who got her liking MMA. How she is more than just a model (this girl hosts radio & has some good articles in Tapout Magazine.)

Ms. Tapout lets you know what she looks for in a guy, as well as her favorite position (Hey come back to the write up, we were talking MMA.). Jennifer also tells us a story where she had to slap on a submission on a friend to keep him from doing something dumb. She also lets you know where you can catch her next. Follow her on twitter at @Jennifer_SwifT