Kyle Watson – “I Honestly Love What I Do”

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt and TUF season twelve semi-finalist, Kyle Watson spoke with FightHubTV recently and discussed his new school opening in St. Louis, MO, his expected return to competition and what he has worked on to grow in his journey as a mixed martial artist.

FHTV: Thank you for taking the time to speak with us. What is going on in your world right now?

KW: Oh man thank you for allowing me the opportunity to speak with you. Everything is going awesome right now, just excited that my new school, Watson Jiu Jitsu and just watching that take off and grow. Everything is good right now and I am happy to be able to do what I love.

FHTV: How has the transition been from leaving your old academy (H.I.T. Squad) where you were an instructor to opening your own school gone?

KW: It’s gone great. Everyone was really supportive of me and I was able to have a lot of my veteran students from that school follow me over to mine, so it was almost seamless you know? It’s not like I was starting from nothing, it felt like I was already one step ahead of the curve.

Another huge motivation for me is, I love what I do. I don’t say that cheesy or just to say it but when I wake up, I get excited to go down to the gym and work with my guys. We are all a family and it helps us all grow. Now that I am looking at getting back into the octagon early next year, extra reason for me to get in there, so it’s all good.

FHTV: Is there anyone specific you would like to face in your return bout?

KW: No, I don’t like saying I want this guy or that guy, it makes you sound arrogant that you think you match up best and could defeat the other guy. Everyone is dangerous and can get you at anytime, my job is to train the best I can and prevent that from happening. If I could pick someone to punch in the face, it would be Bruce Leroy (Alex Caceres). I know he has dropped to a lower weight class but it’s something I have wanted to do from the house, just because of how he is and the way he acted on/off camera. Another thing is how he was kept around after a few losses and still getting fights with Zuffa; I understand he won and good for him but I feel there are better guys from that show and other seasons that deserve a shot for their skill and not from a business point of view.

FHTV: Speaking of TUF 12, what was your reaction to working with Georges St. Pierre as your coach?

KW: The best thing about GSP is how humble he is and his honesty. He told us from day one ‘I am not the best coach, I want you guys to train with me like a training partner and work with my coaches; we are all a team here.’ He would be there to spar in the morning and roll at night, everyday. He was awesome and the things he was able to help us from fighter to fighter, that was one of the best things.

FHTV: One of his coaches, John Danaher, probably held significance for you as a fellow BJJ practitioner, how was working with him?

KW: Awesome! It showed me how much I do not know in jiu jitsu. He is a genius on the ground and I would sit there like, I have so much more to learn. We would roll and in one round I am tapping like five or six times. GSP would come over to me and be like, don’t feel bad – same thing happens to me.

FHTV: Jonathan Brookins, what went wrong for you in that fight?

KW: I could sit here and make a bunch of excuses and reasons for the loss but honestly, he was the better man at the end of the day. One thing that the viewers don’t realize is – we spend six solid weeks together, all the time. We are at the gym or at home, no TV or internet or anything, so you are always with these guys. Our fight was the day before we left to go home, so already you are like – okay, these dudes I spent all this time with now we are leaving and I have to fight this guy I have been training with the whole time.

Training with Brookins, he would do the same thing to me in practice he did in the fight, so I already went into the fight mentally beaten. I knew what he would go for and knew I could not get up from it, when it happened – I just sat there like, I will let him tire himself out and get back up. After I said that to myself, I realize the fight is over and he got the win. I’m not mad at him, I am thankful for the lesson learned and we all know that wrestling is my weak spot and I have been doing my best to improve it. We can always get better, it’s an evolving sport and we are evolving athletes.

FHTV: Anything or anyone you would like to mention?

KW: My fans and students, thank you all for your support and love you guys show me. Make sure to watch my guy, Jake Hecht make his UFC debut against Rich Attonito at UFC 140, I will be in his corner for this bout. Follow me on twitter @KyleWatsonTUF12 or find me on Facebook. Thank you for the time and support!