FIRED UP Jesse Hart sends F*** ALL OF THEM message to Caleb Plat & Jermall Charlo after win!
Jesse Hart in jubilant mood following victory

After a commanding win in the ring, it seems the real fight for Jesse Hart has only just begun, with a fire in his belly and the audacious spirit of a victor, he is more than ready. The Philadelphia-based pugilist sent a potent, eyebrow-raising message to title holders Caleb Plant and Jermall Charlo saying, “F*** ALL OF THEM.”

Hart’s display of gutsy determination during the fight caught the attention of many, marking him as an exciting contributor to the world of boxing. But his post-match comments have garnered even more attention and left spectators waiting in eager anticipation for his next move.

Although the exact cause of Hart’s impassioned outburst is unknown, it is clear that the boxing champ is more than ready to take on Caleb Plant and Jermall Charlo. His willingness to openly challenge two of boxing’s biggest names suggests a level of confidence and gutsiness that perfectly encapsulates the sport’s spirit.

Hart’s fighting prowess has been proven in the boxing ring, but this personal challenge to these boxing giants shows that Hart not only knows how to talk the talk but also, importantly, walk the walk. This very direct call out by the fired-up Philly native suggests that boxing fans everywhere are in for a real treat.

Jesse Hart has been creeping onto the radar of boxing aficionados for some time now. His record speaks for itself, boasting an impressive number of wins. But his recent victory and the follow-up, ‘call them out’, declaration leaves no room for the interpretation that Hart is not ready to make a move for the title. Unexpected, yet absolutely intriguing, “F*** ALL OF THEM,” could be the catchphrase that triggers a pivotal moment in his boxing career.

Speculation is swirling with boxing critics as to how his targets, Caleb Plant and Jermall Charlo, will respond to this public call out. Will they see it as a viable threat or dismiss it as frivolous post-match grandstanding? The bold challengers in this riveting sport know well that the line between confidence and narcissism is often blurred, and it is nothing but their response that will decide which side of the line Hart’s comments lie on.

The boxing world waits in silent anticipation, holding their collective breath as they wait for the duo’s reaction to this extremely public call-out. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a casual observer of the sport, you can’t deny that this situation provides an interesting plot twist for this year’s boxing narrative.

No doubt, the fiber of Hart’s character will be tested in the ring. Whether his statement was a product of adrenaline and victory or a calculated step towards a larger goal, Hart’s bravery cannot be denied. The audacity to challenge not one, but two high-profile figures in such explicit terms is a testament to both his winning spirit and his refusal to shy away from controversy.

One thing is certain – Jesse Hart not only landed punches in the ring but also verbal blows against two of boxing’s most dominant figures. In doing so, Hart has turned the spotlight onto himself as the boxing world eagerly looks to the possible backlash, or better yet, title fights that may follow.

Many will keep a keen eye on the unfolding drama that is set to grip the boxing world. “F*** ALL OF THEM,” might just become the phrase that rings in a new era of boxing with Jesse Hart at its forefront. Should Caleb Plant and Jermall Charlo be concerned? Only time will tell.