Here’s the video of Ronda Rousey post TUF 18 finale everyone is talking about

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Ronda Rousey is going to act however Ronda Rousey wants to act, and there is no problem with that in my eyes. If the company that is trying to build her up into the next superstar can’t even call her about a coaching change, and edits a reality TV show that they placed her front and center on to make her look bad, then why would she curtsy and play Mrs. Nice Girl? Good for her, I say. So many stars nowadays feel like they have to smile when they take it, and Ronda is telling the UFC brass that she will shrug off the division built atop her shoulders if you’re going to do her dirty.

So think what you will about this video, whether it was disrespectful or not. When it comes down to it; I can’t wait to watch Ronda/Miesha 2, and that’s all that really matters in the end.