Watch EA UFC: Ronda Rousey vs. Miesha Tate and check out the first look at the submission game

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EA UFC will be out and in our hands in just over three weeks. After what seemed like a never-ending horrible drought of footage and information, the floodgates have thankfully been opened, and we are getting out eyes on some absolutely gorgeous videos. At times, I feel like the footage is a real broadcast. The fluid animations, the actual intense brow that Ronda has during a fight is even featured. I really can’t believe how good this looks.

But then, the fighting starts. I just don’t know, it seems herky-jerky, and the animations of the striking don’t seem to be consistent. The kicks bring the fighter models back to the stance animation uber-fast, and Ronda’s hip throw is none I’ve ever seen in judo. Across the hips, what?

The submission mini-game seems interesting, but kind of complicated as well. The submission systems have always been the hardest thing to nail in an MMA game, and I look forward to getting my hands on this to try it out.

I’m torn. I think the game looks great, but it’s clearly a first edition. A foundation that will be built on for years to come.