Uriah Hall was a Floyd Mayweather hater, but he has changed his tune and gives him props

uriah hall finger

Add Uriah Hall to the list of reformed Floyd Mayweather Jr. haters. The UFC middleweight admits that once upon a time he was no fan of the brash but talented Mayweather. Over time and after watching his fights and overall mastery of the sweet science, Hall has changed his tune when it comes to the current best boxer alive.

Hall attributes a lot of the hate Mayweather gets is from uneducated people making assumptions over someone they are really not educated about. Though Mayweather does come off as brash, cocky and disrespectful, his in ring skills make a bolder statement. Skills that are universally respected by those who cover the sport of boxing as well as fans.

Are you a Mayweather hater reading this right now? Well maybe you should look below and hear some real talk from Uriah Hall.